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In 2018, ACL merged three existing programs to create the Alzheimer’s Disease Programs Initiative (ADPI). This flexible, consolidated program is helping to fill identified gaps in existing systems that support caregivers and people with Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias (ADRD) by dedicating resources for states and community organizations with proven capability in the provision of both services and training to targeted special populations. Through ADPI, ACL issues two classes of competitive grants – to states that want to improve or develop their dementia systems capability, and to existing dementia-capable community-based organizations that are prepared to address identified service gaps through expansion of their ongoing activities. The ADPI grant projects are designed to ensure that states and communities provide people with ADRD and their family caregivers with access to sustainable home and community-based services systems that are dementia capable. Such a system meets the unique needs of people living with ADRD and their caregivers by: 1) identifying those with a possible dementia and recommending follow-up with a physician; 2) ensuring that the staff they encounter have appropriate training, understand the unique needs/services available and know how to communicate with them; and 3) providing quality, person-centered services that help them remain independent and safe in their communities.
The ADI-SSS grant program is designed to fill gaps in dementia-capable long-term services and supports at state and community levels for persons living with or those at high risk of developing ADRD and their caregivers. ADI-SSS program funding is open to a wide variety of both public and private, dementia capable, entities. The program supports quality, person-centered services that help people with ADRD remain independent and safe in their communities. In particular, ADI-SSS program supports the development, improvement and provision of supportive services to persons living alone with ADRD in communities; person- and family-centered care and training to improve care for and prepare individuals living with moderate to severe impairment and their caregivers for the future; programs and services dedicated to individuals aging with intellectual and developmental disabilities with ADRD or those at high risk of developing ADRD, and behavioral symptom management training and expert consultation to family caregivers.
ADSSP grants support state efforts to expand the availability of community-level supportive services for persons with Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders (ADRD) and their caregivers. The program began in 1992 as the Alzheimer’s Disease Demonstration Grants to States, created by Section 398 of the Public Health Services Act. The ADSSP has evolved over the years moving from innovative practices and evidence-based grants to the current focus on building demenia capability within state systems. In 2011, the ADSSP changed its focus to the development of systems that ensure access to sustainable, integrated long-term services and supports that are capable of meeting the needs of persons with ADRD and their caregivers to help them remain independent and healthy in the community.
Last Modified: 12/12/2023