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The Administration on Aging/ Administration for Community Living (AoA/ACL) funds the National Alzheimer’s and Dementia Resource Center (NADRC). The goals of the NADRC include, but are not limited to, the provision of expert technical assistance to AoA/ACL and its grantees, as well as making program information and resources available to individuals and organizations outside the Alzheimer’s grantee community.
Resource center staff provide individualized technical assistance to grantees and AoA/ACL program staff when requested. This assistance can include consultation on specific topics related to Alzheimer’s disease or dementia, grant reporting requirements and submission process, or other topics requested by grantees. The expertise of the Resource Center team is broad, with combined experience and knowledge related to a variety of topics including, dementia-capable systems, supportive services for people with dementia and caregivers, evidence-based caregiver interventions, behavioral interventions for people with dementia, data collection and reporting, and program evaluation.
The Resource Center also provides other types of technical assistance such as, educational webinars on issues related to Alzheimer’s disease and dementia and learning collaborative groups where grantees and/or their community partners meet in topic specific groups to learn more about the issue, develop useful related resources, and engage in peer support and collaboration.
Learn more about the ACL/AOA programs supported by the NADRC: Alzheimer’s Disease Programs Initiative (ADPI), ADPI Dementia Capability in Indian Country, Alzheimer's Disease Supportive Services Program (ADSSP), and Alzheimer’s Disease Initiative- Specialized Supportive Services (ADI-SSS).